The Freelancer’s Guide to Thriving in the Recession

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By developing the right mindset and taking the right actions, you can thrive in the recession.

Get More Freelance Work—Even in a Recession

Freelancing in a recession is scary. Many clients cut or stop their use of freelancers.  And with more people freelancing than ever before—an estimated 59 million people in the U.S. alone—competition for the remaining freelance work will be fierce.

Create Your Opportunities

But many clients still need and will continue to need freelance help. If you have the right mindset and know where these clients are and how to attract them, you’ll get more freelance work.

Being prepared starts with having—or developing—what I call the freelance success mindset. Then you need to start taking the right actions.

The freelance success mindset and the right actions will help you thrive even in the recession. This guide will show you what to do.

Use the Freelance Success Mindset

Start by learning about how what I call the fearless freelancer mindset can help you. The freelance success mindset is made up of a growth mindset, grit, and resilience.

If you have a growth mindset, you believe that you can change your freelance future by learning new things, being persistent, and taking the right actions. You’ll be willing to work hard to reach your goals.

Grit is having the perseverance and passion to stick with your long-term goals until you reach them. It means carrying on even when you make mistakes or don’t feel like you’re making progress.

Resilience, the ability to meet adversity head-on, adapt, bounce back, and keep trying, helps us when bad things happen—like a recession.

You can develop a growth mindset, grow your grit, and build your resilience. Grit and resilience will help you do this. And you can grow your grit and build your resilience.

The guide gives you links to more free content about how to develop the freelance success mindset.

5 Actions to Take Now for Quick Wins

Quick wins make you feel good and fuel your momentum to keep going. The guide gives you 5 actions to take now for quick wins:

  1. Accept the recession
  2. Focus on current clients
  3. Follow up with interested clients
  4. Ask for referrals
  5. Touch base with your freelance friends.

6 Actions to Prepare for the Future

Once you’ve got some quick wins, you’re ready to do the more intense work where it takes longer to see results. The guide gives you 6 actions you can take to prepare for the future:

  1. Develop a simple strategic plan
  2. Diversify or choose a better specialty
  3. Create client-focused marketing
  4. Market directly to clients in current target markets
  5. Market directly to clients in new target markets
  6. Build or strengthen your network.

More Free Content to Help You Thrive in the Recession

And I’ve included links to more free content and tools to help you thrive in the recession, including:

  • Simple strategic plan
  • Ultimate guide to the freelance success you deserve
  • Ultimate guide to networking for freelancers
  • A swipe guide with tips, templates, and examples.
Download your free guide.

Use my guide to thriving in the recession along with my Simple Strategic Plan for Thriving in the Recession.

Simple Strategic Plan to Thrive in the Recession

thrive in the recession

Grab your free strategic plan.

Use this simple strategic plan to make changes to your freelance business to help you to thrive in the recession.

My simple strategic plan will guide you through reviewing your freelance business to figure out what you need to do to thrive in the recession. It includes tips for new freelancers.

You’ll answer 4 key questions and then use your answers in a plan that will show you:

  • Where to focus now
  • What to do next (the specific steps to take).

The plan includes suggested next steps and helps you prioritize what’s most important for your freelance business.

Also, it gives you free content and tools to help you carry out your strategic plan.

Grab your free strategic plan.

Need More Help to Thrive in the Recession?

If you prepare for the recession and take the right actions, your freelance business can thrive.

It won’t be easy. But I know that you can do it.

If you want more help, I’m here for you. For details, see the last page of The Freelancer’s Guide to Thriving in the Recession or the Simple Strategic Plan to Thrive in the Recession.