Freelance Success Blog

Welcome to the Freelance Success blog, where you’ll find practical how-tos, success stories, inspiration, and much more.

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6 Tips that Will Help You Succeed in Virtual Networking

virtual networking

Virtual networking has been the only way for freelancers to network since the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the world in spring 2020.  Although virtual networking still feels strange and awkward to many of us, we need to learn…

Recent Posts

8 Ways to Build Your Network and Achieve Freelance Success

Your network can be more important than anything else in achieving freelance success. But networking doesn’t can be scary for freelancers. Here are 8 ways to make networking easier.

If you’re like most freelancers, then networking is stressful—even…

How to Impress High-Paying Clients with Your Remarkable Home Page

Your home page can quickly convert prospects into clients—if you capture and keep their attention with a remarkable home page.  Yet few freelancers have a remarkable—or even a good—home page.


If your home page is ordinary or bad,…

How to Win More Clients with Your Freelance Website and Do Less Marketing

When you have a professional and client-focused website, you’ll get more steady, high-paying clients with less marketing—because your freelance website will do the work for you.  So you won’t have to actively “sell yourself,” the part of…

The Ultimate LinkedIn Profile for Freelance Success This Year

If you have a complete, client-focused LinkedIn profile, when clients search for freelancers you’ll rank high in search results.

Over the past few years, a LinkedIn profile has become a powerful tool in helping freelancers get steady, high-paying…

How to Get Steady, High-Paying Clients with Direct Email

Steady, high-paying clients make it easy for you to make more money with less work. And direct email helps you attract steady, high-paying clients so you can grow your freelance business.

Direct email frees you from low-paying, high-competition freelance…

How to Choose Your Clients Instead of Taking Whatever Work Comes Along

High-paying clients aren’t going to magically find you. But there is a way for you to find these clients, and then attract them.

Working with steady, high-paying clients is the easiest way to build your freelance business. But…

The Proven Way Margaret Grew her Freelance Business in a Recession

Margaret JohnsonWhen Margaret Johnson, PhD, started freelancing in 2019, she had strong experience. But like most new freelancers, Margaret didn’t know how to grow her freelance business and get the clients she deserved. “

The former professor and researcher in…

How Ginny Vachon Created Freelance Work for Herself During the Pandemic

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic and the recession that followed, Ginny Vachon, PhD, had enough freelance work. But her work changed a lot and life became more stressful.

Within two weeks of when coronavirus became a pandemic in the United States…