Freelance Success Blog

Welcome to the Freelance Success blog, where you’ll find practical how-tos, success stories, inspiration, and much more.

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How to Get Steady, High-Paying Clients with Direct Email

Steady, high-paying clients make it easy for you to make more money with less work. And direct email helps you attract steady, high-paying clients so you can grow your freelance business.

Direct email frees you from low-paying, high-competition freelance…

Recent Posts

How to Choose Your Clients Instead of Taking Whatever Work Comes Along

High-paying clients aren’t going to magically find you. But there is a way for you to find these clients, and then attract them.

Working with steady, high-paying clients is the easiest way to build your freelance business. But…

The Easy Way to Get Bigger, Better Clients: Your Specialty

Specializing is the fastest, easiest way to get bigger, better clients in good times and in bad. If you have an in-demand specialty, you’ll stand out in a sea of freelancers. Specializing also helps you get the clients…

How to Make Marketing as Easy as Tying Your Shoes

t’s easy to use freelance jobs sites or content mills like fiverr, Upwork, or But steady, high-paying clients  aren’t using these freelance jobs sites and content mills. And they’re not going to magically find you.

Instead, you have to…

Stand Out in a Sea of Freelancers: Your Brand

If you have a strong freelance brand, then you’ll stand out in a sea of freelancers. Clients will see you as providing more value and being more professional than other freelancers. And when they contact you, they’ll…

How to Be a Fearless Freelancer—in Good Times and in Bad

Even when times are good freelancing can be scary. Along with being a skilled writer or editor (or whatever your freelance field is), you need to run a business.  And most freelancers never had a chance to learn how…

Easy Ways to Boost Your Resilience and Stay Strong When Things Go Wrong

Resilience can help you overcome adversity and setbacks. Studies show that people can become more resilient at any age.

Navy SEALs and freelancers don’t seem to have much in common. But if setbacks and adversity…

Ambivert: The Little-Known Personality You Need to Know About

Many freelancers are ambiverts, not introverts.I used to be an introvert. When I was a kid, I was so shy that I would hide behind my mom when people came to visit us—even people who I…

Do You Feel Like an Imposter? Here’s the Cure

If you feel like a fraud, and worry that soon everyone will know that you’re not good enough, you’re in good company. John Steinbeck, Jodie Foster, Sheryl Sandberg, Tom Hanks—and many freelancers—have all felt like…