Freelance Success Blog

Welcome to the Freelance Success blog, where you’ll find practical how-tos, success stories, inspiration, and much more.

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How to Grow Your Business with Help from Other Freelancers

When bad things happen to freelancers, we usually think that we must have done something wrong. But most of the time, it’s not you—it’s the client.  Learn how…

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Why Other Freelancers Should Be Your Best Friends

Having a strong network of freelance friends is one of the easiest ways to succeed. Your freelance friends can give you referrals, along with support and advice.

Freelance writers…

Professional Associations: An Easy Way to Get More Freelance Work

Professional associations are where you’ll find people working for the clients you want to work with, and freelance colleagues who can give you referrals to other clients. They’re an easy way to get more freelance…

Why You Need to Say Thank You to Get More Referrals

One day as I was working in my home office, my doorbell rang. Waiting for me on the doorstep was the UPS guy, with a large package. I do order lots of things online, but hadn’t placed any orders…

How to Be Interesting in 30 Seconds: Your Elevator Speech

Don’t you wish you knew just what to say when you meet people through networking? If you have an awesome elevator speech, then you’ll be able to clearly and quickly explain what you do. And networking will be easier…

Word of Mouth: The Best Way to Get Better Freelance Work

Word of mouth (also known as referrals) is the easiest way for freelancers to get great clients. Learn what to do to get more referrals.

Word of mouth (also known as referrals) is the #1 source…

What Happens When Freelancers Play Nice (Are Givers, Not Takers)

Freelancers who give more than they take (givers) are more successful than people who put themselves first (takers).  The people you help will remember you when they have a freelance opportunity to share.

Remember when your parents…